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A unified mobile security platform

Easy to deploy, privacy-respecting mobile threat protection for enterprises

Maximum Privacy

Maximum Security

Phones are the broadest unprotected attack surface

The average person spends 6.5 hours daily on their devices, risking exposure of corporate credentials, 2FA and Intellectual Property.



of internet traffic is now Mobile



mobile phones globally may be infected with Pegasus spyware

iVerify 2024


of zero-day exploits in 2023 discovered by Google were linked to mobile


Secure your mobile fleet against critical threats


Prevent unauthorized access, data leaks, and compromises


Millions of devices connected to enterprise services remain defenseless against malware


Protect individuals from divulging sensitive information.


Detect invasive spyware, like Pegasus on mobile devices 

OS Vulnerabilities

Ensure mobile devices are regularly updated to the latest operating systems is critical to avoid exploits in iOS and Android

Credential Theft

Stop criminals from accessing sensitive information such as passwords, usernames and financial information 

Five mobile security myths putting your company at risk

Five mobile security myths putting your company at risk

Myth #1: Mobile device security doesn’t impact enterprise IT security

Fact #1: Mobile devices are endpoints just like any other endpoint and are a hardware component of your IAM program

Myth #2: MDM = Mobile Security

Fact #2: MDM provides policy enforcement; not malware or smishing protection

Myth #3: Mobile threats are niche

Fact #3: In 2023, mobile threats constituted 40% of Kaspersky’s detections and 80% of zero-days discovered by Google

Myth #4: BYOD devices don’t impact network security

A BYOD device used for 2FA or viewing IP is an IT security problem

Myth #5: Security and privacy don’t go hand in hand

Fact #5: You can have premium mobile device security without forfeiting an ounce of privacy

Myth #1: Mobile device security doesn’t impact enterprise IT security

Fact #1: Mobile devices are endpoints just like any other endpoint and are a hardware component of your IAM program

Myth #2: MDM = Mobile Security

Fact #2: MDM provides policy enforcement; not malware or smishing protection

Myth #3: Mobile threats are niche

Fact #3: In 2023, mobile threats constituted 40% of Kaspersky’s detections and 80% of zero-days discovered by Google

Myth #4: BYOD devices don’t impact network security

A BYOD device used for 2FA or viewing IP is an IT security problem

Myth #5: Security and privacy don’t go hand in hand

Fact #5: You can have premium mobile device security without forfeiting an ounce of privacy

Myth #1: Mobile device security doesn’t impact enterprise IT security

Fact #1: Mobile devices are endpoints just like any other endpoint and are a hardware component of your IAM program

Myth #2: MDM = Mobile Security

Fact #2: MDM provides policy enforcement; not malware or smishing protection

Myth #3: Mobile threats are niche

Fact #3: In 2023, mobile threats constituted 40% of Kaspersky’s detections and 80% of zero-days discovered by Google

Myth #4: BYOD devices don’t impact network security

A BYOD device used for 2FA or viewing IP is an IT security problem

Myth #5: Security and privacy don’t go hand in hand

Fact #5: You can have premium mobile device security without forfeiting an ounce of privacy

A Privacy-Conscious Platform for Advanced Threats

iVerify provides critical threat detections while protecting user privacy

iVerify Elite

iVerify EDR


iVerify Elite

iVerify Elite

iVerify EDR


iVerify Elite

iVerify Elite

iVerify EDR


iVerify Elite

iVerify Elite

iVerify EDR


iVerify Elite

iVerify’s cloud-enabled spyware observatory consolidates telemetry, AI / ML enhanced threat heuristics, and threat hunting.
iVerify’s cloud database discovers and alerts against zero-days and advanced security threats

Secure your mobile workforce today with iVerify